Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Look at us: running around, always rushed, always late. I guess that’s why they call it the human race. But sometimes, it slows down just enough for all the pieces to fall into place. Fate works its magic, and you’re connected. Every once in a while, amid the randomness, something unexpected happens that pushes us all forward. And the truth is, what I’m starting to think, what I’m starting to feel, is that the human race, isn’t a race at all.

-From movie The Switch

This quote, hands down, will always always be my favorite quote. It is just so relevant, people live on a day to day basis just trying to get things done, things over with, and move onto something else. They never, how do I say this... Have an empty basket. There is always things on our minds that we need to get done. Because of that, we never really live you know? It's just all a race... But when you just slow down, take a breath, and enjoy everything that is around you, the human race isn't really a race after all.

After a long break...

I'm back! Ahhh, it feels so good to finally have free time to do something that I love doing and will never get tired off. And that is writing down whatever that is on my mind.

  • I am only 18 years of age, so technically I am an "adult". But bc of what I do on a daily basis: my responsibilities, my tasks, my plans, I feel like I am truly an adult. Sometimes I wonder if I rushed to grew up to fast, or if I didn't choose that path... and others choose it for me. Sometimes I just feel as if why is all of these responsibilities put on me, when I'm just trying to find my way around. I'm constantly running around town, working, schooling, taking care of my family. I don't mind... I'm just glad I haven't gone completely crazy yet. Tomorrow is the only day that I have had off in a while. But at the bottom of my basket, I still have assignments/ projects that needs to get done and things I need to improve on for work. Why can't I just have the ability to stop time? I can't imagine all the stress I'll have to endure when I'm older when all of this is already too much to handle at 18...
  • Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I can't be happier. I love being with people who are nothing but happy. All the food that I get to eat! This is the 3rd Thanksgiving I've spent with Steven and I'm just in awe. Caring for someone so much and knowing they feel the same way about you, if not, even more is the greatest feeling in the world.
  • I need some motivation to get back into shape. Yes, in shape shape for Countdown. Speaking of Countdown, I can't wait till New Year's Eve. This is probably going to be the best new years by far. This year has been horrible for me, but the end of this year has been nothing but fantastic.
  • Christmas is almost here! I don't exactly feel the holiday spirit but nonetheless, I am extremely happy. I can't wait to dress up in cozy outfits, put on my boots and hat, grab a cup of extra extra hot chocolate and take a stroll downtown at Christmas in the Park with my boyfriend. And as for my wishlist this year, I am happy to say that I honestly do not want want anything. Sure there are always going to be things that I impulsively want just because, but someone has proven a point to me someone this month that is so true. As us being selfish human beings, there will always be materialistic things that we will never stop wanting. But I'm still young, most of us have a huge life ahead of us, and we have our whole lifetimes to get the "material" things. We're still young so live, learn, and be happy. Like I said, we have our WHOLE lives to work for those things.
  • Wow, I honestly have never ever been this happy before. I'm happy, healthy (well sorta haha), I have a GREAT job considering how old I am, my family is so supportive of everything that I do, and my boyfriend is nothing short of amazing. I love that I can always end things on a positive note, and hopefully I remain this way into the New Year ^_^

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Currently at work.

It's so slow and I hate working with all the guys! They always tease me =| I get to dress up for work on Monday for Halloween and hand out candy for little kids in costumes!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween's this weekend!

And I wish I did not work this year =( The ONLY time when I ever have such great/ cute Halloween costumes and I have to stay in and work and sell phone lines and give candy out to little kids =( At least seeing little children in cute Halloween costumes will make ease the pain of not being out on Halloween a weeee bit better! I would have totally DIYed my costumes and become an anime girl or become the black swan.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011